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Jambo Kenya, I am sending this from Toronto, Canada and just wanted to say that we have all been following the turn of events on Miguna Miguna.
I was born, raised and went to school in Kenya and just moved here about 15 years ago...When I got my Canadian passport more than 12 years ago, I automatically knew that when I am going back home, I will use my Canadian passport as a travel document and have traveled home using my Canadian passport with no issues whatsoever. It is no brainer that if I am traveling internationally I will need a valid travel document and at the point of arrival.
Miguna is a lawyer and an immigration lawyer and shoud know better! Kenyan National ID is not a travel document. Miguna knows an ID here in Canada is a Drivers License and he cannot use it to travel by air to the USA unless he drives across the boarder....I feel like I am wasting time saying all this to Orengo, Havi, Soweto and Miguna....
Miguna is a drama queen and only seeking popularity and sympathy. Let him travel to Canada using his Canadian ID at Toronto Airport and we will all see if he will be let in or not. He knows IATA will fine Kenya millions of dollars if they allow him in without a valid travel document. Even if he goes through Uganda or Tanzania, at the airport he will still need to show immigration his passport.... then he can proceed to Kenya with his ID from Kampala.
I am not into politics and I don’t hate Miguna but I hate it when he behaves like a little kid!
By Jeri, a Kenyan in Toronto.
Jeri, Canada had not helped to evolve out from your inborn stupidity.. This issue is beyond travel documents. It is also beyond your little brain. I wonder what you do for a living in Canada, could be odd jobs where you get no time to research. Wake up or else you will need million years to know how an open letter looks like.
Aren't you a ray of sunshine. If you cannot argue with facts you resort to insults. What is "beyond travel documents"? The fact that he got away with it and took the arrogance a notch higher?? Miguna lost his privilege as a Kenyan citizen in 1998, period. Second, he refused to follow the laid out immigration procedures. Since he was not processed at the point of entry, the law of the land does not apply to him.
Eddie you sounds more agitated when Jeri voiced the truth.In this case of Miguna what do you think you know other people don't know,i urge you to quit being rude and reason like a wise person not like a fool.Migunas idiosy will never go anywhere his aim is looking for cheap popularity and he is also looking for an opportunity to make money thru law suit by causing this dramas.Miguna denounce Kenya as country and he is Canadian why cant he apply for citizen and he is even honored directly imagine a process that take almost 2yrs he is offered directly from airport..huyu ni mtu bure sana
Eddie you sounds more agitated when Jeri voiced the truth.In this case of Miguna what do you think you know other people don't know,i urge you to quit being rude and reason like a wise person not like a fool.Migunas idiosy will never go anywhere his aim is looking for cheap popularity and he is also looking for an opportunity to make money thru law suit by causing this dramas.Miguna denounce Kenya as country and he is Canadian why cant he apply for citizen and he is even honored directly imagine a process that take almost 2yrs he is offered directly from airport..huyu ni mtu bure sana
I was born in Kenya but now a diasporian with a British passport. Whenever I go to Kenya, I queue behind all the other passengers, and ALL of us with foreign passports present them for stamping of visa on them. When am in Kenya I transact my affairs using my Kenya ID without any restrictions. I have been trying very hard to understand why this man Miguna should demand to be treated differently from the rest of us but not getting an answer. Am even more shocked when I find lawyers who tell him that he is doing the right thing to demand special treatment not given to all other Kenyan born passengers who have lived abroad. Does Miguna, all the lawyers and institutions supporting him demanding that there should be one individual law for Miguna and another law for the rest of us? This state of thought and reasoning is senseless, illogical, naive, diametrically contravenes universally practised norms, and is unprecedented in the history of International travel anywhere in the world.
we aren't fools whoever has written this f****king stupidity. politics is ruling the day. we should not be writing this when we need to ensure that rule of law is upheld. OK I don't know where you come from but stop being tribal
Last year on my arrival at the immigration with a foreign passport, I wanted to pay the fees with a visa card coz I didn't have cash. I was told they don't take visa payment and I wouldn't be dispersed until my passport has been stamped.
Everyone must follow the law, no special treatment. If miguna acted in that kind of craziness in a foreign country he'd be in jail by now.
Jeri, what you're saying is generally true, but in Miguna's case, you're either misinformed or bias. This is not about travel documents. Its about respect to law in accordance to existing court orders. Miguna was meant to understand that the government will facilitate his entry into the country. This was denied, and he was detained.The court ruled he was to be released "unconditionally". You say that if Miguna acted "crazy like that in a foreign country, he will be in jail by now". Quite true. But he would also see his day in court, whose decision overides all else. In the US for example, when Trump passed a law to stop people from certain countries from arriving in the States, he was overulled by the courts. Going forward, please research, ask and understand the legal issues before writing a letter to the general. He has been in Canada long before you set foot there and am sure travelled to more destinations than you will ever in your life. Viva.
You cannot cherry pick what laws to follow and what laws not to obey. We know Orengo run to his errand boy justice Odunga all the time to get things done his way. Odunga was transfered to Machakos what is he doing in Nairobi?
Miguna has two simple choices, one to use his Canadian passport and enter Kenya being his foreign country of entry, two, after before traveling from Canada to Kenya he has to visit Kenyan embassy in Canada for guidelines, because I believe he might be innocent whatever he is currently doing,logically he needs some friends counseling or a psychological help.
Kenya. What do you mean it's not about travel documents. In the first place he was sent out to Canada because he had attained Canadian citizenship by neutralization and therefore nullifying his Kenyan citizenship as that time Kenya did not permit dual citizenship. Today dual citizenship is permitted in All he ought to have done is follow the procedures of completing the forms to regain his citizenship like the rest of all the other Kenyans who were naturalized before 2010 new dispensation. He is not stateless and Canadian passport holders are eligible for a visa upon arrival at the point of entry.
(It's not like some countries where certain passport holders are buckled up for approaching immigration authorities without visas, as they are required to hold valid visas even before attempting to travel to those countries)
My message above is not a reply to Kenya, but to those who don't see the travel docs part.
Guys, let's all agree,most refugees travel without a document and are protected by UN Charter. Since court orders were in place and valid, there was no point for Mikuna, a well known Kenyan to be treated so inhumane, Even if we were to agree he was in the wrong,the use of so much force is totally acceptable. I have traveled from UK to another western country,with approval and with no passport without dramas.
Kenya government must apologize
@Luke james, Miguna did not say he is a refugee. If he were a refugee he would be treated like a refugee.
As I stated. I have traveled from the UK previously without a passport. I lost my Kenya passport while transiting in the UK and the Kenyan officials were a pain in the bum to deal with. So I approached an embassy and the commissioner wrote a letter authorising me to travel to his country without a passport but with my Driver's licence issued by his country's government.
I cancrlled my Kenyan citizenship then in 1998 and have never looked back.
Regrettably I'm disappointed with a violation of Miguna's rights and very dissatisfied that some Kenyans that reside overseas are not seeing the big picture here.
Miguna is a lawyer and if I were in the same situation like him, I wouldn't be presenting any Kenyan passport for stamping. He was entering the county as a Kenyan not a Canadian and that's the legal implications
Brothers and sisters leave Minguna Minguna alone.
His time have expired line a driving licence he needs to start his life again I travelled with him over 8 hrs lecturing whites lies of Africa leaders he forgot he is one of them I only told him sir all what you have been talking were lies the white people's only looked at him we landed and all his bags could not be found I left him at HIS.
You should have follow the entire process from the begining to where we are before writing a letter.