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President Kenyatta has urged Kenyans to shun divisive politics and instead focus on national development.
Speaking in Nakuru on Tuesday when he issued 40,000 title deeds to members and descendants of Nyakinyua from Kiambogo and Solai areas, Kenyatta noted that 2020 is a year for work and promised to continue with his efforts of uniting the country.
“This is a year for work. Those whose business is to use every opportunity to do politics should look for other gatherings to do so. We’ve been here for less than 30 minutes and we’ve finished our business here,” said Uhuru.
“We want this to be the year of work. A year when we fulfill our promises to the people. Not every time to do politics as if there’s nothing else to do.”
He indicated that the issuance of title deeds to Nyakinyua was part of his administration’s efforts to honor those who fought for the country’s independence even as he directed the Ministry of Lands to waive all charges on the titles issued to the group.
“Today is a very important day for me because, for a very long time, we’ve been working to resolve the challenge of giving title deeds to our elders, those who fought for the independence of our country.”
“Many of those that bought land, many have died and their children left in problems because their land, which is their right, they couldn’t subdivide because they didn’t have title deeds,” added Kenyatta.
Kenyatta revealed that his administration has issued 800,000 title deeds since 2013 compared to only 120,000 that had been issued since independence.
Mr. President - what can you do to get Maraga and his judicial team members to start prosecuting the thieves of our resources so that we can root out corruption?
Why is the judiciary so arrogantly lenient with the corrupt individuals and the cartels?
Are the judicial members sleeping (bedding) around with the thieves, hence making it so difficult to prosecute them? Where is the beef in the judiciary! Can Maraga stand up to be counted?
What is the deal with the elected lawyers (Murkomen, Orengo, Kilonzo, etc) running around so vehemently defending those who steal from the public coffers - case in point - 12 lawyers rushing to defend Sonko!
How about a Presidential Execute Order to bar all the elected lawyers from defending thieves? These lawyers are surely making a mockery of the people who elected them. They are all perceived to be corrupt just like those they are defending!
This “ANIMAL” called corruption is truly disenfranchising the future generations. Our children are deeply worried that they will inherit insurmountable debt instead of inheriting wealth to give them a bit of an edge in life.
Corruption is truly bankrupting Kenya while we just helplessly watch from the seams.
The Judiciary has no money.
@guest - money to buy Mercedes Benz S600, V12 gas for Maraga (which he publicly showed huge baby toddler anger for not having a new Benz, after wrecking one) and the judiciary team? Deouty CJ can use the stolen lot to fund the judiciary!
Kenyans are very tired of carrying the civil servant class, politicians, etc much longer. The donkey needs a break for God”s sake!
The judiciary can meet under the Mugo Tree if the Judiciary building have since collapse! Order number 1 of deliberation will be prosecuting the corruption agents, individuals and cartels! Corruption is a very urgent problem - and should be declared a national disaster.
@ Maina, the integrity of our nation as world beaters in long and middle distance running is in serious state.In 2019, just about every other month did not pass without a story on doping.
This year has not started well. Last week Wilson Kipsang the former world champion in marathon was suspended for doping. This week Alfred Kipketer,the world junior champion in 800 meters is evading testers,so they have suspended him as well.
Last week Rhonex Kipruto broke world record in 10K road running,3 months after Joshua Kiptegai of Uganda had broken it.Now because of doping scandals in Kenya,some are questioning Kiprutos performance.This is unfair to this 20 year old Kenyan,who in my opinion is a clean athlete.The "sins" of his country men are rubbing on him unfairly.This is what corruption does. It robs and punishes the innocent.
The sports authority in the country has toyed with the notion of criminalizing dopers,and even jailing some. This is a welcome idea. Yes, jail them.It is bad enough when they soil the good name of the country within its borders,but when the go internationally, they are ashaming Kenya on the whole globe.A lot of innocent athletes's reputations and integrity are ruined by association.
Yes this is the year of work.It is also an Olympic year. Please, Athletics Kenya,do your work diligently and send clean athletes to Japan.Some international sources are already whispering that Kenya should be banned from the Olympics like Russia.Who can blame them.
Knowing that Birds of a Feather Flock Together, Drink at Bars together, even Sleep together: How do you Expect a Thief to Prosecute thieves. You know very Well that Jubilee stole the Presidency in 2013 and 2017 and you Expect a Government founded or rooted in THIEVING to Prosecute its Fellow thieves? Well .... That could be a Miracle in the Making.🙏
Still issuing Fake title deeds.
What was 2019 the year for? Corruption?
2019 ilikuwa ya ulevi! Hope ameamka!
Yes it's time to work, instead of GLOBEtrotting. Time for work; not for Tangatangaring.