Isaac Gichengo
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Isaac Gichengo's journey to the United States in 1987 held the promise of a brighter future, yet little did he anticipate the turbulent tale of financial hardship and emotional turmoil that would mark his return journey to Kenya.
Githengo started out with odd jobs in Pennsylvania and later his perseverance propelled him up the corporate ladder, ultimately securing a stable position at a bank. Alongside his professional achievements, he found love and established a family with an American citizen and they were blessed with two children. However, beneath the facade of prosperity and lavish lifestyle, shadows of discord loomed. Gichengo openly shares his experiences of enduring emotional abuse, encouraging others in similar circumstances to break free from toxic marriages.
"I was going through a lot of emotional abuse and to all the men out there going through the same, decide to leave and never look back," he says in an interview.
Amid efforts to support his wife's education by working two jobs to fund her accounting studies, Gichengo found himself trapped in a cycle of financial mismanagement. His wife's extravagant spending habits, combined with alleged misuse of joint funds, left him in dire financial straits. Amid divorce proceedings, Gichengo faced an arduous battle. The court mandated significant spousal and child support payments, leaving him devoid of financial security and struggling to make ends meet.
The divorce ordeal took a profound toll on Gichengo's finances, with his assets frozen and his passport nearly lost, further compounding his troubles. He was prompted to return to Kenya due to financial constraints after struggling to cope with the aftermath of a shattered marriage. Fortunately, the court eventually lifted the burden of alimony payments, providing a glimmer of hope amid adversity. However, setbacks persisted as he experienced financial losses in a failed borehole project, depleting his resources even further.
Meanwhile, Gichengo is supported by his loved ones. As he rebuilds his life in Kenya, he clings to the hope of a fresh beginning, fueled by opportunities for international employment. With interviews for US positions on the horizon, Gichengo's determination to regain stability remains resolute.
Kisa cha Ndugu yetu Gichengo na maisha yake Marekani alipomuoa na kuzaa watoto wawili na mwanamke wa asili ya Yuropa.
@Imara Daima Thanks for putting the link.
Karibu sana (You are most welcome) Ndugu @ Mohandas (Karamchand Gandhi)
Good Job Imara. Thank you for the link
Karibu sana Ndugu @ Mwororo.
Pole brother..it sucks to be colonized by a spouse in house. Joint bank account is the beginning of control or good things. Two jobs to support her edu when there are grants and loans all over. U were too naive and paid for lack of knowledge at a higher price. May you rise again from the pit.
did she squander it in one day or when you were incapacitated. It is something you knew all along and you did not do anything about it. It takes two to tango.
Very well said... there is always two sides to the story
Harp on the damn plane and head on to Pennsylvania to find out the other side of the story you conwoman! You smell really bad and ugly!
Nonsense! You are one of those milking men dry to live a damn comfortable life you have never worked for; damn it! Shut your freaking bick!
One can get blinded and convinced that the situation is temporary and will soon be rectified. Purchases are always necessary for some task or business purpose. Believe it at your own peril. Once married, it may be difficult to get out of the situation. Getting yourself out of the situation requires difficult, clear eyed and hard headed decisions. Accounts need to be separate and under no circumstances should you have joint credit cards or allow user privileges to the other party. Only when you're out do you ask yourself what you were thinking and happy to have dodged a bullet. This unfortunate man was simply taken for a pricey ride. It happens in Kenya too.
@Mundumugo - This guy is precisely on the money! No joint nothing at all! Establish one account from where all the bills will be paid. Never let anyone else manage your money at whatever cost. Have a long lasting prenuptial agreement detailing major and basic stuff, to include how many times you will have sex on daily basis, etc.
Poor boy Child. I have heard many mothers crying that their sons were left with nothing after divorce. Divorce system in USA work against men. I am talking about American men married to American women.
The same women complaining need to advise their greedy daughters to stop outright theft of men’s wealth hoping that they will live forever and never die to leave that money being consumed by others. I know of a woman who got a lot money after divorcing her man, but she was dead from breast cancer 2 years later. She had squandered nearly everything at the time of her death.
The curse is upon those who acquire ill gotten wealth from others. You get the free cash but you end up dying because that money brings untold stress. Kenya is no exception and men need to be very careful if you decide to marry some lunatic woman from hell. Most women have mental issues these days add are driven by greed. And yes, I am specifically talking to women who think they are immortal!
Cursed is a Woman🙄who Uses CHILD Support to Exploit and Put father of Her kids Thru hell.
Wow, so the sperm donors should be allowed to roam free on this earth .... choices have consequences. If you can't wrap it up then don't blame the outcome or if you leta kichwa ngumu and can't negotiate without hot-headedness, then it's on you.
Wise and Blessed women Don't punish their Children's father for the Sake of Exploitation. And two: Mark you that Some evil Women INTENTIONALLY have Children "with that Man" for Sake of SELISH "Child support" or Alimony" aka GOLD-Digging. *Such women are CURSED (togetger With the Children that Support the EVIL😈).
Wise women are not yet born. Wisdom disappeared the day Eve had sex with Satan! It will get even worse as time goes by.
@ Kiprotich:
The story of Ndugu Adam and Dada Eve/Hawa is a myth that was used by the conquering external forces to wipe out other peoples traditional and indigenous religions.
There are two global religions that don’t tolerate or accept any other religions of the world: the first one is based on the Son of Aminah (Mohammed) and the second one is based on the Son of Mariam. Unfortunately, we don’t really know the true endonym of the Son of Mariam. The current exonym name that was given to this Son of Mariam was invented by the Greek people.
I’m glad to see you address yourself using your authentic name from your ancestors. Unfortunately, there are still many people of COHO (continent of human origins aka Africa) who still identify themselves using the colonial/slave names given to us by the external colonial forces during the inhuman days of occupation, or during the illegal land grabbing by the global land thieves from Europe. Some of us still use names from the Arab Quran or the Jewish Bible without realizing that they have their authentic ancestral names which reflect our true indigenous heritage.
@imaradaima - you sound like you wrote both the Holy Bible and the Koran! Then you start sounding like Gikuyu and Mumbi at Mukurueni Wa Nyagathaga.
Then you head on to become a Somali pirate holding a cargo ship on the high seas of the Indian Ocean!
And then, as if that was not enough, you start sounding like a voodoo kid-kid wrapped up in some Nigerian personal Chi witchery shit!
Who are you, Billy?? Yo-yo the tatamakuti of Haiti??? How does someone supposedly with five common sense bell get all this fucked up?
Who gave you the names “Imara daima”? Cucu or Guka, the neighbor next door to your sister? Maybe that Arab guy who was selling slaves with your old grand-Daddy?? Names are just relative to everything else around you. Don’t be hell bent over individual names! Surely, it does not matter one hoot whatever name one takes from birth, in baptism, etc! Let all us enjoy life without too much guilt!
BS just your ideas and opinions , stuff you probably read somewhere and believed. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Seek God in your own understanding, be aware of where your ideas come from and place them on the timeline of earth and their source authenticity. A lot of things in life that cannot be based on logic are imagined.
Precisely @mimi! This @imara guy has serious psychiatric issues which he needs to see a qualified mental doctor to have addressed! He wants to threw some stupid personal opinions out there and expect everyone to consume them like Madhivani candy!
@ Dacan:
I sincerely feel sorry for your shallow reasoning ability.
I kindly ask you to set your myopic opinions on extremely sensitive and controversial issues that has affected all the formerly physically and psychologically colonized people of our continent.
I ask you to visit a psychiatrist to help you wake up from your invisible psychological jail.
As far as I am concerned, I have come to this conclusion:
“My brain is not for rent, hire, lease, or for sale.”
Please wake up and do the same thing to your poor, weak, and imprisoned little brain 🧠.
Women have made marriage to be a business venture. Those who marry hard working men exploit them for material gains. Most women are not trustworthy any more. No wonder thousands of women can no longer find anyone to marry them. And men have realized that women are never committed to the institution of marriage because all they want is to get rich quickly by exploiting the man. So, we just hit it and run and call it a day!
Some folks like the @formerlyguest2 speak through real demonic forces. Who told you Isaac was donating the sperm and roaming the world free? You don’t even know the circumstances which led to all the issues in that marriage. Don’t you think it is wise to shut your mouth if you have no facts about the issues you heard or read about someone else? Who told you the guy did not negotiate with that Lucifer? Ghee weeezie!
American divorce system work against men this is a known fact. Even those who are doing what is right if you get a crazy woman she will put you through hell.
Listen to Gichengo, there are also cases of men narcissists and who also have taken their wives through the same.
“Sperm donors my foot”!? Why dont you produce both the egg and the sperm to make your own hymaphrodite family? You can put your goddam thumb in your pussy to impregnate your ass self! Watch your lane!
Infact it's just amatter of time.Soon men can eat their own sperms. They can now fertilize an egg with a cell from the skin...
When you get into a relationship with hidden intentions, it can be rocky when you get caught. I listened to this countryman on Jeremy Damari's Youtube channel and I gathered he married her for the purpose of getting a green card. Waswahili husema zimwi likujualo halikuli likakumaliza. He should have hooked up with an African woman if that was his intention because even if she would have gotten even after finding out the truth, it is unlikely she would have destroyed him to the extent the Caucasian woman did. Ask Jeff Koinange why CNN sent him packing to Nairobi.
Mlandizi respect for this comment, I know we African women are vilified hapa but most of us have some heartfelt empathy that we never left behind. Asante for acknowledging that and yes the Mzungu is not what is cranked up to be in the end.
Kumbe.. makartas sio na zungu. Jamaa alikuwa naive sana. Ni kama wale wana tafuta kwa mtu mwenye Hana kazi. He didn't do his homework
🤣🤣🤣home sweet home Jamhuri ya kenya the best place to b in this world compared with Fake slave majuu.
Am 100% sure u married the lady juu ya papers not love which many have gone thru this shit or still going through it juu they cannot just leave the fake marriages they put themselves into??Many have married Hata wakenya wao juu oooh nitapata papers but not in love,then u started having children out of love which they will get affected heavily?Guys as a dude in majuu invest kiasi nyumbani incase such shit ever happens u can find a refuge n run otherwise Utanjikaanga Wewe mwenyewe.Karibu kenya buda gichengo n don’t loose hope hapa kenya u can easily bounce back
Isaac returned to Kenya at his own volution! @halisi was deported from the US and never to set a foot on the US soil
Life can beat you up at times. This reel just sums it all up: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/BFs4J5HHUwPBsz8N/?mibextid=uKSjGR
Been there done that. You have to be smart. Hommy was in LOVE.
I listened to his story on YouTube.
So firstly he needs to relax for his mental health sake, he seems to have gone through alot. He needs to heal and let go of the trauma he went through.
Second, based on his story I think he assumed he was dealing with ignorant people. The people he is talking about i.e his inlaws and wife's friends. The seem to have studied his habits very well to the point that he had very short ability to do things behind their back.
Thirdly its not logical, he complains the wife was extravagant and spent a lot of money on luxuries, but he goes ahead and participates in her eventful luxuries that she was splurging on.
Anyway let the man live, he has learned his lessons and maybe some men can make better decision based on his story
Apparently he is not very smart,despite sounding so ( In your opinion).If he cannot get a woman in his own backyard,to resort to online dating that takes him to some thirdworld country for a black starving woman,something aitn't right. Not too smart in my opinion,even with his big white balls. Back to you @AGIRL TOTO.
Well, he may have kept the hope alive that things will change for the better someday! Unfortunately the Mzungu lady and her family plus the evil friends kept digging a deeper hole for him, and he ended up falling way to the bottom of that pit quite unprepared! Again, it is kinda difficult to get out of marriage when you have kids, and especially for men!
@atotogirl - just throw some twerp to the brother to make him relax and have a good time! He has been through a lot; been to hell and back😂😂😂! And yes we are laughing but it ain’t funny what Isaac has been through my frens! Would you help him @atotogirl?
Where is Ndugu Maxiley?
Send someone to do a welfare check. He's AWOL
I've been wondering myself - labda alienda Kenya kwa likizo ndefu na hajarudi bado. Pure speculation on my part of course.
Thanks Ndugu @ Mũndũmũgo.
We can try and assist. We have positions for Executives. Send me email
His Mexican ride kicked him out of the house, took the car keys and advised him to keep his mouth shut.🤫 ! He ran away to Kenya to heal his wounds!
Never share a bank account with a woman, period! Open a separate account if you decide to get married where all the bills will be paid. No one can manage your money better than yourself. Why was this woman only spending the money in the guy’s bank account? In-laws are always evil - do not live anywhere close to them, or let them get involved with the daily running of your family. Do not allow them to come visit your family because most Americans have no moral conscience. The family unit is in a free fall in America. It is the worst place to raise a family, and especially if you have some good values from other parts of the world.
What do white folks see in a black man? Just pure evil! What do white folks see in themselves? Purity! So, if you are a black man screwing some white chic, the white race will be against you because they think that evil has started attacking their “pure race”! Brother Isaac, you did your best and you should walk away with your head held very high! Do not look back! You will recover because the God of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob is will with you! Your great name (Isaac) is among the three fellas who walk with God in time of need!
@ Wilson:
The god of Isaac, Abraham, and Jacob is a Jewish god: but not your god.
Can you speak for yourself please? You sound lost in the midst and unfortunately no one can help you! Do not tell me to believe whatever you believe!
@ Wilson: You are "hacked beyond redemption" if you cannot figure out that religion is a product of peoples' language, culture, environment, history, gender based activities, and worldview.
Anyone hacked beyond redemption has a foreign colonial/slave, Biblical or Quranic name, worships a foreign god, is ashamed of their skin color, hair texture, ancestral language and even his or her ancestral worldview. Why? The person is "hacked Beyond Redemption."
@imaradaima - don’t be a narcissistic fool! Some of the nonsense you write here is childish, tardily and beyond pale. Only a nincompoop like you can be locked up in a below zero analysis of junk you simply heard from your dying granny. “Know” is just a deceptive state of your dilapidated mental charade conjured in your vacuum abhorrence cranium, and a self duplicating consummate LIAR! Speak for your sadist self Mr know-it-all!
@ Wilson: The language you have used here to analyze me shows very clearly that our former colonial masters have a permanent residence in your mind.
Believe me, I feel very sorry for your hacked mind.
Your unfortunate name-calling is a sign of a seriously disturbed and troubled person. You must be an African-America.
@ Wilson:
Thank you for exposing your myopic thinking through your lack of understanding of the colonizers goal of destroying our minds through the institutions that he created. His long range agenda was to keep us totally impoverished and incapable of freeing our minds from his negative hacking. At the moment, we are incapable of moving forward with confidence like the rest of the world.
If people of your mindset are in power, our continent
will continue to regress and lag behind, unable to progress unlike other countries of the world such as the U.K., USA, Russia, Canada, EU countries, Japan, China, Korea, Rwanda, etc. No wonder 60 years after independence, we can’t even manufacture a needle! This lack of development is only possible as long us our current leaders in power think like you!
India was colonized by the British for about 200 years and now can compete with other nations of the world listed above. The answer is simple: they kept their traditional way of life intact such as their religions, names, languages, and culture but acquired technology from other advanced nations of the world. At the moment, India manufactures its vehicles, pharmaceutical products, and were able to launch a satellite successfully on the moon.
If we collectively banned foreign religions, we will then start using our brains and become technologically capable of meeting our basic necessities of life.
@Daima is a Devil worshiper! You will find him wearing some tutu running mad along the streets mattering some crazy shit like a mad man. I can understand why you don’t his advise or want to live his kind of life @wilson.
Dada @ Adhiamnbo: Matusi ni ya nini?
But 50pc of white chicks want tall and dark. They are adventurous. My issue is why is population of blacks still 12pc for decades despite the cross pollination
A black man has become a hot commodity to most yellow skinned population because they have discover that the biological anatomy and genes of the black skinned are very resistant to various ailments. Compare a 70 year old black man with a yellow skinned man at the same age, and you will find that the black dude will look a whole lot younger, stronger and healthier, while the other guy will be looking half dead already! Mixed marriages are way over 12% it is only that the yellow race does not want to tell you the truth because they are all scared that sooner or later they will be the majority race.
Can we now hear the woman's side of the story lest she gets condemned unheard? There's always two sides of a story.
You were too naive brother! You didn’t take your time to understand the culture and the woman of your dreams! The urge got ahead of your brain!
Not all marriages are bad, but marriage is hard, it’s a commitment that both parties have to keep working on their flaws!!!
However, some marriages were never meant to be in the first place, and a divorce however acrimonious is the only solution!
If you don’t want to get bitten in the ass, make sure that you hire a very good lawyer to represent you!!!
Millions of couples divorce every day, sometimes you just have to walk away and start afresh!!!
But brother, it seems like there were tell tell signs that the woman was using you!!!
@juju - quite easy to give others some advise without reflecting on yourself first. Is your marriage supposed to be and how long do you project it will last?? Four fingers are directly pointing at you as you quickly pull out that one finger to blame others, call them “naive”, and tend to offer some unsolicited and untenable advice!…
@kala been there done that … I was once married to a Nyeri woman, but I can tell you, worse than Lucifer herself! If you get hooked up with the long woman, ms woman, hire a great attorney! I did, yup, and found myself a great woman, an American woman!!!
Are you still mad or insane???
“Not all marriages are bad….”! Well, how is your marriage then? Take the log out of damn eye before you reach out to remove the speck out of the other guy’s eye! Your marriage is your personal business and no one cares to know the status of it!
Read above ,,,
It’s the brain power that matters! Like Isaac, you can be a big man with a peanut brain, and women, I mean opportunistic women, who are the majority of women, can see it through and through,,,, and ma fren, just like those vultures, the carcass will be left bone dry in short order!!!
If you are just a YES Baby man, you are finished even before get started!!!
Ukosefu wa ajira nchini. Dawa yake ni:
Ovaries are expensive, these kenyan men watfunzwa na dunia, alot of thme are mannerless!
Pole sana Ndugu Gichengo. Nakuomba usikate tamaa wala kufa moyo kwa yote yaliyokupata.
Ningependa kukumbusha kitabu Hayati Ndugu yetu Kamau Wambui Muigai aka Kenyatta alichoandika kinachoitwa, "Suffering Without Bitterness" ili usije ukajawa na chuki ya milele na milele katika maisha yako kwenye siku za usoni.